Source code for

"""Objects that represent a page found in one of the sitemaps."""

import datetime
from decimal import Decimal
from enum import Enum, unique
from typing import List, Optional

"""Default sitemap page priority, as per the spec."""

[docs]class SitemapNewsStory(object): """ Single story derived from Google News XML sitemap. """ __slots__ = [ '__title', '__publish_date', '__publication_name', '__publication_language', '__access', '__genres', '__keywords', '__stock_tickers', ] def __init__(self, title: str, publish_date: datetime.datetime, publication_name: Optional[str] = None, publication_language: Optional[str] = None, access: Optional[str] = None, genres: List[str] = None, keywords: List[str] = None, stock_tickers: List[str] = None): """ Initialize a new Google News story. :param title: Story title. :param publish_date: Story publication date. :param publication_name: Name of the news publication in which the article appears in. :param publication_language: Primary language of the news publication in which the article appears in. :param access: Accessibility of the article. :param genres: List of properties characterizing the content of the article. :param keywords: List of keywords describing the topic of the article. :param stock_tickers: List of up to 5 stock tickers that are the main subject of the article. """ # Spec defines that some of the properties below are "required" but in practice not every website provides the # required properties. So, we require only "title" and "publish_date" to be set. self.__title = title self.__publish_date = publish_date self.__publication_name = publication_name self.__publication_language = publication_language self.__access = access self.__genres = genres if genres else [] self.__keywords = keywords if keywords else [] self.__stock_tickers = stock_tickers if stock_tickers else [] def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, SitemapNewsStory): raise NotImplemented if self.title != other.title: return False if self.publish_date != other.publish_date: return False if self.publication_name != other.publication_name: return False if self.publication_language != other.publication_language: return False if self.access != other.access: return False if self.genres != other.genres: return False if self.keywords != other.keywords: return False if self.stock_tickers != other.stock_tickers: return False return True def __hash__(self): return hash(( self.title, self.publish_date, self.publication_name, self.publication_language, self.access, self.genres, self.keywords, self.stock_tickers, )) def __repr__(self): return ( "{self.__class__.__name__}(" "title={self.title}, " "publish_date={self.publish_date}, " "publication_name={self.publication_name}, " "publication_language={self.publication_language}, " "access={self.access}, " "genres={self.genres}, " "keywords={self.keywords}, " "stock_tickers={self.stock_tickers}" ")" ).format(self=self) @property def title(self) -> str: """ Return story title. :return: Story title. """ return self.__title @property def publish_date(self) -> datetime.datetime: """ Return story publication date. :return: Story publication date. """ return self.__publish_date @property def publication_name(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Return name of the news publication in which the article appears in. :return: Name of the news publication in which the article appears in. """ return self.__publication_name @property def publication_language(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return primary language of the news publication in which the article appears in. It should be an ISO 639 Language Code (either 2 or 3 letters). :return: Primary language of the news publication in which the article appears in. """ return self.__publication_language @property def access(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Return accessibility of the article. :return: Accessibility of the article. """ return self.__access @property def genres(self) -> List[str]: """ Return list of properties characterizing the content of the article. Returns genres such as "PressRelease" or "UserGenerated". :return: List of properties characterizing the content of the article """ return self.__genres @property def keywords(self) -> List[str]: """ Return list of keywords describing the topic of the article. :return: List of keywords describing the topic of the article. """ return self.__keywords @property def stock_tickers(self) -> List[str]: """ Return list of up to 5 stock tickers that are the main subject of the article. Each ticker must be prefixed by the name of its stock exchange, and must match its entry in Google Finance. For example, "NASDAQ:AMAT" (but not "NASD:AMAT"), or "BOM:500325" (but not "BOM:RIL"). :return: List of up to 5 stock tickers that are the main subject of the article. """ return self.__stock_tickers
[docs]@unique class SitemapPageChangeFrequency(Enum): """Change frequency of a sitemap URL.""" ALWAYS = 'always' HOURLY = 'hourly' DAILY = 'daily' WEEKLY = 'weekly' MONTHLY = 'monthly' YEARLY = 'yearly' NEVER = 'never'
[docs] @classmethod def has_value(cls, value: str) -> bool: """Test if enum has specified value.""" return any(value == item.value for item in cls)
[docs]class SitemapPage(object): """Single sitemap-derived page.""" __slots__ = [ '__url', '__priority', '__last_modified', '__change_frequency', '__news_story', ] def __init__(self, url: str, priority: Decimal = SITEMAP_PAGE_DEFAULT_PRIORITY, last_modified: Optional[datetime.datetime] = None, change_frequency: Optional[SitemapPageChangeFrequency] = None, news_story: Optional[SitemapNewsStory] = None): """ Initialize a new sitemap-derived page. :param url: Page URL. :param priority: Priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site. :param last_modified: Date of last modification of the URL. :param change_frequency: Change frequency of a sitemap URL. :param news_story: Google News story attached to the URL. """ self.__url = url self.__priority = priority self.__last_modified = last_modified self.__change_frequency = change_frequency self.__news_story = news_story def __eq__(self, other) -> bool: if not isinstance(other, SitemapPage): raise NotImplemented if self.url != other.url: return False if self.priority != other.priority: return False if self.last_modified != other.last_modified: return False if self.change_frequency != other.change_frequency: return False if self.news_story != other.news_story: return False return True def __hash__(self): return hash(( # Hash only the URL to be able to find unique pages later on self.url, )) def __repr__(self): return ( "{self.__class__.__name__}(" "url={self.url}, " "priority={self.priority}, " "last_modified={self.last_modified}, " "change_frequency={self.change_frequency}, " "news_story={self.news_story}" ")" ).format(self=self) @property def url(self) -> str: """ Return page URL. :return: Page URL. """ return self.__url @property def priority(self) -> Decimal: """ Return priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site. :return: Priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site. """ return self.__priority @property def last_modified(self) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]: """ Return date of last modification of the URL. :return: Date of last modification of the URL. """ return self.__last_modified @property def change_frequency(self) -> Optional[SitemapPageChangeFrequency]: """ Return change frequency of a sitemap URL. :return: Change frequency of a sitemap URL. """ return self.__change_frequency @property def news_story(self) -> Optional[SitemapNewsStory]: """ Return Google News story attached to the URL. :return: Google News story attached to the URL. """ return self.__news_story