Source code for usp.tree

"""Helpers to generate a sitemap tree."""

from typing import Optional

from .exceptions import SitemapException
from .fetch_parse import SitemapFetcher
from .helpers import is_http_url, strip_url_to_homepage
from .log import create_logger
from .objects.sitemap import AbstractSitemap, InvalidSitemap, IndexWebsiteSitemap, IndexRobotsTxtSitemap
from .web_client.abstract_client import AbstractWebClient

log = create_logger(__name__)

"""Paths which are not exposed in robots.txt but might still contain a sitemap."""

[docs]def sitemap_tree_for_homepage(homepage_url: str, web_client: Optional[AbstractWebClient] = None) -> AbstractSitemap: """ Using a homepage URL, fetch the tree of sitemaps and pages listed in them. :param homepage_url: Homepage URL of a website to fetch the sitemap tree for, e.g. "". :param web_client: Web client implementation to use for fetching sitemaps. :return: Root sitemap object of the fetched sitemap tree. """ if not is_http_url(homepage_url): raise SitemapException("URL {} is not a HTTP(s) URL.".format(homepage_url)) stripped_homepage_url = strip_url_to_homepage(url=homepage_url) if homepage_url != stripped_homepage_url: log.warning("Assuming that the homepage of {} is {}".format(homepage_url, stripped_homepage_url)) homepage_url = stripped_homepage_url if not homepage_url.endswith('/'): homepage_url += '/' robots_txt_url = homepage_url + 'robots.txt' sitemaps = [] robots_txt_fetcher = SitemapFetcher(url=robots_txt_url, web_client=web_client, recursion_level=0) robots_txt_sitemap = robots_txt_fetcher.sitemap() sitemaps.append(robots_txt_sitemap) sitemap_urls_found_in_robots_txt = set() if isinstance(robots_txt_sitemap, IndexRobotsTxtSitemap): for sub_sitemap in robots_txt_sitemap.sub_sitemaps: sitemap_urls_found_in_robots_txt.add(sub_sitemap.url) for unpublished_sitemap_path in _UNPUBLISHED_SITEMAP_PATHS: unpublished_sitemap_url = homepage_url + unpublished_sitemap_path # Don't refetch URLs already found in robots.txt if unpublished_sitemap_url not in sitemap_urls_found_in_robots_txt: unpublished_sitemap_fetcher = SitemapFetcher( url=unpublished_sitemap_url, web_client=web_client, recursion_level=0, ) unpublished_sitemap = unpublished_sitemap_fetcher.sitemap() # Skip the ones that weren't found if not isinstance(unpublished_sitemap, InvalidSitemap): sitemaps.append(unpublished_sitemap) index_sitemap = IndexWebsiteSitemap(url=homepage_url, sub_sitemaps=sitemaps) return index_sitemap